David C Cook COVID-19 Response

We’ve Been Made Holy!

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

The big holiday season is over now and we are starting fresh in a new year. Holidays can be filled with joy, and with an excess of sweets and gifts and expenses. Do you think your parents made any sacrifices this year so you could enjoy a big Christmas? Did your family have to sacrifice a big Christmas to be more comfortable during the rest of the year?


Parents often have to make tough choices and make certain sacrifices for their families. In the video we’re about to watch, the daughter of an immigrant parent shares some of the many sacrifices her mom made for her.

Play the following video [2:28]:
Harvard graduate dedicates achievement to immigrant mom for her sacrifices

  • What sacrifices did Veronica make for Natalie? (She immigrated her family with many children, she worked to provide for them, she likely gave up many things for herself so her children would be cared for.)
  • What sacrifices have your parents (or anyone) made to better your life? (Accept all reasonable answers. Parents give up lots of their time, energy, sleep, money, and simply their personal preferences for the benefit of their children. They have to make choices about work and every aspect of life to do the best they can for their family.) 
  • Have you ever had to make a sacrifice to help someone or achieve a goal? Tell about that. (Accept all reasonable answers. Help students think this through. Maybe students have gone without in a small way in order to give something to someone who goes without often. Maybe in a team setting, students have had to give long hours to practice or play a supporting role while others star. Maybe students have sacrificed social status to stick with a true friend or stick to their values.)
  • Is there anything you’d never be willing to sacrifice or give up? (Answers will vary. Accept all reasonable answers.) 

Parents demonstrate what it means to make sacrifices for the sake of someone they love. However, the greatest example of this comes from Jesus, who gave His body and His life as a sacrifice, that we might be made holy.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

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