- Describe a burger—meat or vegan—cooked to your liking with anything and everything on it that you want. (Answers will vary. Allow a few students to describe their ultimate burger.)
When your grandparents were young, fast food burgers only came one way. That’s because they were made up ahead of time and kept warm until someone bought them. So, it was a big deal when one food chain decided to mix it up and make burgers to order. For 40 years this popular fast food chain advertised its burgers using a slogan that became a popular jingle. This clip is 24 years old; listen closely to the way the burgers are advertised.
Show the following video [0:30]:
Burger King “Have It Your Way” Commercial 1998
- What is the slogan or motto that repeats in this jingle? (“Have it your way.”)
- Other than a food order, when do people like to have something “their way”? (Answers will vary but may include: all the time; when deciding what to do; when they want to be first; when they want to play a certain position on a sports team; when they do not want to listen to someone else give them instructions or orders, etc.)
For a while, the Burger King slogan “Have it Your Way” was used, but it changed to their new motto in 2014. “Be Your Way” gives the impression that you, the customer, are king.
Why do people want to be their own king and have things their own way? (Answers will vary.)
- Having or doing things our way could mean not following the rules or advice of authority figures. Who are some authority figures who tell us what to do? (Answers might include: parents, teachers, crossing guards, coaches, band directors, bus drivers, property owners, police officers, government leaders, God, etc.)
- What do you think the world would be like if every person insisted on having his or her own way? (Answers will vary; no one would follow rules or instructions, so there would be chaos; there would be a lot of fighting; nothing would get done; there would be a lot of mistakes; there would be more crime; there would be more traffic accidents, etc.)
- Have you ever argued or fought with a sibling or friend over having your way versus their way? Share an example. (Answers will vary. Be prepared to share your own experience.)
- When has wanting or getting your way backfired on you? (Answers will vary. Students may recount a time when their selfishness caused a friend to give up and go home, or their parents to decide not to gift them with something after all.)
As much as we want to be independent and make our own plans and decisions, having it our way or being our own way, has some serious flaws. As we look at today’s lesson, we will see through Moses’ life that there is a much better way than our own way.