David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Always True

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Have you ever experienced a situation where everyone knew the rules had to be followed—no matter if they were posted or not? A time when the rules were just understood? (Answers may include: yes, when a substitute teacher comes in and doesn’t know our teacher’s rules, but we still know how we’re supposed to act; the rules are known when driving, like not running red lights or speeding, etc.)
  • Have you ever disagreed with a rule or tried to get one changed? (Answers might include something like: We tried to sign a petition at our school to change the dress code, but it didn’t work; I don’t agree with my parents’ rules to go to bed at 9 M., but there’s no changing their minds, etc.)

A few years ago, there was a lot of controversy over the rules in the NFL after a very bad call was made during an important championship game. Refs refused to make a call that was clearly a violation of the rules of the game. Everyone knew the rule hadn’t been followed, everyone except for the referee, it seems. The missed call most likely caused the Saints football team to not make it into the Super Bowl. Everyone called for the rules of the game to be changed. 

In an effort to make sure all of the referees keep the game fair and make the right calls, the NFL has recently voted to change their rules! From now on, any questionable calls can be reviewed and overturned if need be.  

Although the NFL officially changed the rules, some calls made in official games don’t seem to line up with this new rule. In the 2022 Super Bowl of Rams versus Bengals, there was a very controversial call when what appeared to be pass interference wasn’t penalized. Let’s watch.

Play the following clip [1:28]
How is This Holding? Worst Call in Rams vs Bengals Super Bowl

  • After watching this clip, how did you feel about this call? Did you think it was a violation of the rules? Why or why not? (Answers will vary.)
  • Have you ever tried to enforce the rules, but no one listened or believed what you had to say, even when you knew what you were saying was right? Tell us about it. (Students may refer to incidents similar to these: Yes, I was telling my brothers not to sneak candy into the movies because it wasn’t allowed, but they did it anyway; I told everyone to stop talking when the teacher stepped out into the hallway, but they wouldn’t listen to me and then we all got in trouble for talking and lost recess time, etc.)

Rules are made for our protection and to help us, not to harm us. Rules make the expectations clear, so that everyone understands how things should run and there’s no confusion.  In the NFL’s case, the rule was made concerning pass interference; however, the referee made a mistake and didn’t make sure those guidelines were followed and chaos followed. 

In today’s story, King Jehoiakim decided God’s rules didn’t have to be followed.  In fact, he chose to burn parts of God’s message in clear defiance.  What would happen to the king for his rebellion?  Did God’s rules still stand, whether the king decided to follow them or not?  Let’s find out.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access
  • Index cards
  • Pens/pencils

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