David C Cook COVID-19 Response

Getting There

Materials Needed:

  • Internet access

There are a lot of times when we want or need to get somewhere and it isn’t necessarily free.

  • What are some examples of needing to pay to get somewhere? (Possible answers: getting into a movie theater, paying a toll on a road, or buying a ticket for a concert.)

Sometimes where we want to go might appear to be free, but isn’t really free at all. Take video games for instance. You start out with a game that advertises itself as free, but once you are into it, if you want to progress you need to make a purchase—coins or accessories of some kind or sometimes just consuming commercials.

Play the video for the students [1:42]:
‘Free trials’ aren’t always free

Certain places, like expensive restaurants or special events, require visitors to dress in a particular way in order to enter. Others will only let you in if you have a friend who knows the people there.

  • What are some examples of “free” things that might not actually be free? (Accept all reasonable responses.)
  • What are some situations where you may be required or expected to bring something in order to get to a “free” event? (Possible answers: bringing homework to class; bringing a gift to a birthday party.)
  • Have you ever wanted to be somewhere, but you couldn’t, because you didn’t have what you needed to get in? Tell us about it. (Answers may vary. Be prepared to share your own experience.)
  • Have you ever had a friend help you to get somewhere that you wouldn’t have been able to get to yourself? (Answers may vary; some students may talk about gaining access to a club because a friend who was a member invited them, or someone who has tickets to an event that was sold out long ago. Be prepared to share examples of your own.)

Getting where we want to go can be tricky at times. Either it costs more than we can afford or requires something else we don’t have access to. Today we’re going to talk about someplace we can’t get to without help—the cost is too great, and on our own we don’t have what is required to gain entrance.

Looking for Steps 2 & 3?

You can find Steps 2 and 3 in your teacher’s guide. To purchase a teacher’s guide, please visit: Bible-in-Life or Echoes.

Materials Needed:

  • Bibles
  • Colored cardstock pieces (1 per student; bracelet-sized pieces plus 1 inch)
  • Fine-tipped permanent markers
  • Stapler
  • Whiteboard and marker (or screenshared document)

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