- Have any of you visited another country? (Allow students to share about any other countries where they have lived or visited.)
Sometimes when we grow up in one place, we don’t always know what it’s like to live in a very different culture. Nigeria is one country that is often in the news for being targeted by terrorist attacks.
- What have you heard about Nigeria? (Allow your students to share. If they haven’t heard anything about Nigeria, you might say something like: Nigeria is a country in West Africa that is at war with an Islamist terrorist group called Boko Haram. Both sides of the war recruit children to fight as soldiers. The children do not have a choice, and if they try to resist becoming soldiers, it could cause devastating harm to them or their families.)
Let’s watch a quick news report about child soldiers in Nigeria being released.
Play the following video [2:17; stop at 1:40 to avoid descriptions of children’s soldiering tasks]:
Nearly 900 child recruits released from Nigerian militia
After your class has watched the news video, discuss the following questions together:
- What bothered you the most about seeing this video? (Students answers will vary. Some may comment about how the students bowed to the statue, or how they didn’t know what Facebook was, etc.)
Nigerian Christians face persecution for their beliefs. By meeting as churches and by professing their faith, these Christians risk attacks from Boko Haram.
- Do you think the leaders of the Nigerian army want the best for their citizens? Why or why not? (The armies employ child soldiers, they use violence, and they don’t use helpful methods for gaining peace.)
The Bible shows us many examples of nations refusing to obey God’s commands. It is important for leaders to obey the principles of God’s Word, even when it’s hard. A country who defies God should be prepared for a lot of trouble.