Today’s lesson deals with how King David reacted to his circumstances. To get your students thinking about how they feel in different situations, start by asking a few questions about their experiences. Have you ever paid attention to the way you react when the unexpected happens? We can learn a lot about ourselves if we stop and take a look at our attitude.
- Tell about a time you had a really good surprise! How did you react? (Be prepared to share your own story to prompt discussion.)
- What’s the most disappointed you’ve ever been? (Encourage students to discuss, but be careful to avoid gossip or oversharing.)
- Have you ever tried to be thankful even when you were disappointed or things weren’t quite what you expected? What happened? (Answers may vary.)
It’s easy to be thankful when we have everything we want, but it’s a little more challenging to stay positive and thankful when things are tough!
Play the following video for your students [1:27]:
The Importance of Gratitude
- What do these children teach us about being grateful even in hard times? (Answers may vary.)
It’s easier to be thankful when we remember just how fortunate we are. In today’s lesson, someone chose to be thankful even though it would have been easy not to. Let’s find out why.