- What are some hard jobs you’ve been asked to do? (Answers may include: Mow and weed the lawn; complete a science fair project at school; be kind to a mean kid in my class, etc.)
- How did you manage to get those tough assignments finished? (Answers will vary.)
In life, we will face many seemingly impossible tasks. It’s how we get those jobs done that matters. Ten-year-old Selah Schneiter recently completed an incredibly hard and challenging feat. She became the youngest person ever to climb El Capitan, a 3,000 ft. sheer mountain wall in Yosemite National Park. Let’s see how she did it:
Play the following clip [1:58]:
A 10-year-old became the youngest person to climb the El Capitan in Yosemite Park
- What do you think of Selah and what she accomplished? (Answers might include: She’s amazing; she’s a hard-worker; she is really determined, etc.)
- When Selah reached the top, she had a happy cry and said, “I can’t believe I just did that!” How do you think you would feel if you did something like that? (Answers will vary.)
- How do you think the relationship between Selah and her dad helped her complete the climb? (Some possible answers: He gave her help and guidance the whole time; she trusts her dad, so she knew she was safe and could do it with his help; he encouraged her the entire time, etc.)
- Who do you ask for help when you need it? (Answers will vary.)
Selah’s dad helped guide her through her climb of El Capitan. Did you notice that her dad was a climbing instructor? He was an expert for their task and able to help and safely guide Selah the entire time. She couldn’t have completed the climb without him.
Today we’re going to talk about how Moses was given a God-sized assignment to complete. Moses was sure the job was too much for him to do. But, as we’ll discover, just like Selah, Moses also had an expert—The Expert—available to help him complete his assignment. Let’s find out more about this fascinating story.