Many of you may have heard about the recent conflicts happening between Israel and Palestine. In this conflict, many explosive attacks have been used, causing the destruction of cities and buildings. In the midst of the destruction, rescuers are committed to digging through the rubble and looking for survivors.
Share this video with your students [2:18; stop at 0:55].
Israel and Palestine heading for ‘uncontainable’ crisis, UN chief warns
When you’re finished, have a discussion with your class:
In the midst of explosions and devastation, the natural response would be to flee and get as far away from the destruction as possible. These rescuers have bravely chosen to help look for survivors.
- Did anything surprise you about the way the rescuers were looking? (Let students share their insights.)
- How might having the proper tools for digging make the rescuers’ job easier? (Accept all reasonable answers. A common response might be: They could spend less energy digging and more energy on actually finding people.)
While the rescuers didn’t have a lot of tools to work with, their job would be much easier and more efficient with the right tools.
- When we study God’s Word, how is it a little like “digging” to find what’s below the surface? (Since the Bible was written so long ago, its meaning might be more difficult to uncover. We often need to dig and scrape a little to figure out the correct context and meaning. The hard work pays off by finding something of special value!)
- What are some things we might be able to find if we search the Bible? (We can find historical events, truth about who God is, promises, commands, lessons and sermons, beautiful poetry, interesting people, how much God loves us—you name it!)
The Bible requires some digging that we might have to work at in order to uncover all its secrets and treasures. Many people before us have committed themselves to learning what God’s Word has to say, so let’s follow their lead and see what’s underneath the surface.